Monday, February 3, 2014

I bought something very new and it's barely February

Last week I was diagnosed with frostbite. It seems my raynauds disease (bad circulation) is getting worse every year. I was only outside for 5 (long)blocks and cried when I made it back to the car. I decided to go to my doctor to make a plan for not only this episode of damage, but long term. Dr. Obvious told me to buy a good pair of boots, after of course asking what I did for a living. Yes, I am a PA and no I don't own a good pair of boots and yes I have raynaud's. I guess I just never felt they were worth the investment because I don't spend any amount of time outside in the winter. And I don't like the inconvenience of changing shoes, etc. So, I agree to take some new meds, consider complimentary medicine ideas and to buy a good pair of boots. I first went to ebay. I wasn't about to break my resolution so early on in the year! I found several pairs of boots, all second hand for around 50 bucks. But as I tried to check out it felt like I was letting my decision to buy nothing new be a principle that trumphed all. Buying used boots probably meant on Jan 1 of 2015 I would invest in the pair that would really last and be super warm. Why do this just to entertain my self imposed "rule"? (and probably waste more money in the long run.) The other part of me thought of how I hate excuses. I am a fairly determined person and believe in sticking to our goals and commitments. Yea, sure I can summon some pity for my purple toes and act like I can't not buy boots. Ulitmatley, I got on zappos and bought the 90 dollar boots that will last me at least 10 years, good to -40 F, and don't look half bad. Was this out of instinct of my old ways? But no longer did this seem as instinctual as it once was. I am not a guilty person, I don't feel guilty. But it does make me feel a bit like my resolution is just a game and I can leave it at any time if I have to. I also feel less motivated now that I "broke" the rule to continue. I mean really, I can't make any great claims at the end of the year now. I wore the boots around the house yesterday, to be sure they fit. And still considered using the free zappos return policy. But alas, we woke to yet another winter storm today and out into the slush I went dirting the boot bottoms past the point of return. I trudged to the train, resolution shattered, feet happily clad cozily in their new nests of warmth.Not only are they warm, but waterproof too. I feel extravagantly rich and powerful. I feel humbled too, to be true to my feet and my heart.

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